Home > Pool Products Blog > Steps to Take Before Your Spring Swimming Pool Opening

Whether your family plans to enjoy your pool at the beginning of spring or you plan to host a big backyard BBQ with all of your neighbors, your swimming pool opening for the season requires some basic maintenance to ensure it is safe to use.


Here are some basic tips to have a successful swimming pool opening:

  • Swimming Pool OpeningDrain the Cover – Over the winter, you may have standing water and debris on the pool cover that needs to be removed before taking the cover off the pool. Once you have drained off the excess water, you can remove the cover, clean it, and store it in a safe, dry place.
  • Fill the Pool – Over the course of the off season, your pool’s water levels may be looking a little low. Use a hose to refill the pool back to its regular water levels.
  • Reconnect Your Pool Equipment – Now you can remove winter plugs and reattach drain plugs, as well as turn your equipment back on to get the pool running. This will include priming your pump and turning on the circulation and filtration system.
  • Clean the Pool – You are ready to brush and vacuum the pool to clear any remaining debris. Make sure to clean thoroughly around your steps, ladders and other equipment, and don’t forget to backwash the filter.
  • Test Your Pool – After sitting for the long winter season, you want to ensure the chemical levels in your pool are correct. After the circulation system has run for several hours, test your pool water using a test kit. You can adjust these levels accordingly. Remember, we offer free water testing at our pool store if you need help. 

These are simply the basic steps for your swimming pool opening. If this feels overwhelming, or you need help determining the equipment you need or what steps to take, call our team at S&H Pools. We have serviced the Hickory, NC area for many years and are happy to assist you with your swimming pool opening so you can enjoy it all season long. Give us a call today!