Swimming Pool Repair, Newton, NC

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If you have any questions about our swimming pool repair services, give us a call today. 

When your swimming pool is in need of repair, you can always count on our team at S & H Pools to provide the service needed. We provide swimming pool repair services to clients in Newton, North Carolina and much of the surrounding area, and our team members have the experience needed to handle a variety of issues. Common causes of damage to a swimming pool include exposure to the elements, such as major storms, wind, and ice. Over time, your pool’s liner may start to wear out and need replacement. The pipes that provide water to the pool can also freeze and expand, leading to cracks that will require repair.

Swimming Pool Repair in Newton, North Carolina

Certain maintenance tasks can minimize the risk of some of these issues happening at your pool, such as preparing the swimming pool for winter and going through proper winterization procedures. However, a mid-summer storm can hit the area at any time during the warmer months, when you’re likely using your pool more than ever, and there’s not much you can do to prevent damage from this type of weather situation. If you find that your pool is leaking or having other issues that require repairs, contact us at S & H Pools. We’ll send one of our experienced technicians to assess the problem and come up with a plan for swimming pool repair.

If you have any questions about our swimming pool repair services, give us a call today. We’re happy to assist in any way we can, whether that involves providing you with a quote for pool repair or talking to you about how to prevent further damage in the future.

At S & H Pools, we offer swimming pool repair services to customers in Hickory, Conover, Newton, Lincolnton, Sherrills Ford, Catawba, ClaremontDenver, and St. Stephens, North Carolina.